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"NICOT - a story of connectivity & impact" presented by Newcastle International

When Theranos decided that they would come up with a finger prick technology to test for a plethora of diseases, David Taylor, its CEO never thought they would leave the business avoiding bankruptcy and becoming the fourth costliest startup failure at USD 500 million.

In NICOT, we acknowledge that all business plans, regardless of how robust and air-tight they are, will have some weaknesses that might lead to its demise if not addressed.

Addressing our goals to strive for the greater good, we brought the sustainability model of business and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) together and morph them to urge our participants into the creation of an impact-driven, meaningful business that benefits the society whilst still retaining its corporate value.





Throughout the journey, participants will be introduced to different tools and matrices that will become the backbone of their business - all guided by their respective Facilitators.

Apply now to become part of the journey!

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